[U3-Project] [Fate/stay night [Heaven's Feel] I.預示之花][劇場版「Fate/stay night [Heaven's Feel] I.presage flower」][フェイト ステイナイト ヘブンズフィール][BDMV][1080p][Movie Vol.1][AVC]

2018-05-08 04:33 UTC
No information.
File size:
47.0 GiB
Info hash:
![alt text](https://i.imgur.com/peAnXLv.jpg "Logo Title Text 1") ![alt text](https://i.imgur.com/7tlqxJa.jpg "Logo Title Text 1") ★イントロダクション それは、手にした者の願いを叶えるという万能の願望機──「聖杯」をめぐる物語。 ヴィジュアルノベルゲーム『Fate/stay night』第三のルート[Heaven's Feel](通称・桜ルート)が、ついに劇場版映画化された。 これは主人公の衛宮士郎を慕う間桐桜を通して、聖杯戦争の真実に迫るストーリー。2017年10月に劇場公開された本作は、動員96万人以上、興行収入14億円突破を達成している(2018年1月時点)。 アニメーション制作は2014年にTVアニメ版[Unlimited Blade Works]を手掛けたufotable。 監督はキャラクターデザイン・作画監督として数々のTYPE-MOON作品のアニメ化を手掛けてきた須藤友徳が担当する。 全三章で贈る[Heaven's Feel]の開幕――[I.presage flower]がいよいよ萌芽する。 ★ストーリー 「もしわたしが悪い人になったら許せませんか?」 少年は少女を守りたい。そう、思った。 魔術師〈マスター〉と英霊〈サーヴァント〉が、あらゆる願いをかなえる願望機「聖杯」をめぐり戦う――「聖杯戦争」が起きて10年、冬木市で再び戦争が始まった。 前回の「聖杯戦争」の参加者である衛宮切嗣の養子・衛宮士郎は遺志を継ぎ、戦うことを決意する。 士郎のそばには、彼を慕う少女――間桐桜がいた。彼女は毎朝、毎晩士郎の家に通うと朝食と夕食を作り、天涯孤独だった士郎と優しい日々を過ごしていた。 だが「聖杯戦争」が始まると、冬木の町に流れる空気が変わった。あちこちで殺人事件が起き、不穏な空気が流れ始める。士郎は桜を自宅に泊めることを決意した。 士郎は召喚したサーヴァント・セイバーとともに、魔術師の遠坂凛と同盟を結び「聖杯戦争」に臨む。 だが、その戦いは暗躍する者たちによって大きくきしみ、歪み始めていた。 ★本編ディスク仕様 ・字幕:日本語/英語収録 ・音声:2ch/5.1ch ★特典映像 ・PV・CM集 【完全生産限定版特典】 ◆武内崇描き下ろしBOX ◆須藤友徳描き下ろしデジジャケット ◆オリジナルサウンドトラック ◆特典ディスク ◆スペシャルブックレット ◆イラストブック 【特典ディスク内容】 ◆公開直前特番「原点の物語、劇場へ─」 ◆初日プレミアイベント付舞台挨拶(編集版) ◆特別興行“間桐家舞台挨拶"(編集版) ◆下屋則子インタビュー(「Fate Project 大晦日TVスペシャル2017」ロングバージョン) ※特典ディスクはDVDになります。 ※初日プレミアイベント付舞台挨拶(編集版)には、LIVEパートは収録されません。 ※商品の特典および仕様は予告なく変更になる場合がございます。 ★キャスト ・衛宮士郎 : 杉山紀彰 ・間桐 桜 : 下屋則子 ・間桐慎二 : 神谷浩史 ・セイバー : 川澄綾子 ・遠坂 凛 : 植田佳奈 ・藤村大河 : 伊藤美紀 ・言峰綺礼 : 中田譲治 ・間桐臓硯 : 津嘉山正種 ・美綴綾子 : 水沢史絵 ・柳洞一成 : 真殿光昭 ・衛宮切嗣 : 小山力也 ・ランサー : 神奈延年 ・ギルガメッシュ : 関智一 ・ライダー : 浅川悠 ・アサシン : 三木眞一郎 ・キャスター : 田中敦子 ・アーチャー : 諏訪部順一 ・葛木宗一郎 : てらそままさき ・イリヤスフィール・フォン・アインツベルン : 門脇舞以 ・セラ : 七緒はるひ ・リーゼリット : 宮川美保 ・真アサシン : 稲田徹 ★スタッフ ・原作 : 奈須きのこ/TYPE-MOON ・キャラクター原案 : 武内崇 ・監督 : 須藤友徳 ・キャラクターデザイン : 須藤友徳、碇谷敦、田畑壽之 ・脚本 : 桧山彬(ufotable) ・美術監督 : 衛藤功二 ・撮影監督 : 寺尾優一 ・3D監督 : 西脇一樹 ・色彩設計 : 松岡美佳 ・編集 : 神野学 ・音楽 : 梶浦由記 ・制作プロデューサー : 近藤光 ・アニメーション制作 : ufotable ★主題歌 Aimer 『花の唄』 ≪Copy Right≫ (C)TYPE-MOON・ufotable・FSNPC (C)TYPE-MOON

File list

  • 劇場版「Fate stay night [Heaven's Feel] I.presage flower」(完全生産限定版) [Blu-ray] -UeU3-Project
    • BD
      • BDMV
        • BACKUP
          • CLIPINF
            • 00000.clpi (37.2 KiB)
            • 00001.clpi (15.1 KiB)
            • 00002.clpi (448 Bytes)
            • 00003.clpi (1.3 KiB)
            • 00004.clpi (700 Bytes)
            • 00005.clpi (764 Bytes)
            • 00006.clpi (1.1 KiB)
            • 00007.clpi (1.1 KiB)
            • 00008.clpi (484 Bytes)
            • 00009.clpi (488 Bytes)
            • 00010.clpi (636 Bytes)
            • 00011.clpi (944 Bytes)
            • 00012.clpi (292 Bytes)
            • 00013.clpi (292 Bytes)
            • 00014.clpi (292 Bytes)
            • 00015.clpi (292 Bytes)
            • 00016.clpi (444 Bytes)
          • PLAYLIST
            • 00000.mpls (728 Bytes)
            • 00001.mpls (252 Bytes)
            • 00002.mpls (240 Bytes)
            • 00003.mpls (240 Bytes)
            • 00004.mpls (240 Bytes)
            • 00005.mpls (240 Bytes)
            • 00006.mpls (240 Bytes)
            • 00007.mpls (240 Bytes)
            • 00008.mpls (240 Bytes)
            • 00009.mpls (240 Bytes)
            • 00010.mpls (4.4 KiB)
          • MovieObject.bdmv (1.1 KiB)
          • index.bdmv (216 Bytes)
        • CLIPINF
          • 00000.clpi (37.2 KiB)
          • 00001.clpi (15.1 KiB)
          • 00002.clpi (448 Bytes)
          • 00003.clpi (1.3 KiB)
          • 00004.clpi (700 Bytes)
          • 00005.clpi (764 Bytes)
          • 00006.clpi (1.1 KiB)
          • 00007.clpi (1.1 KiB)
          • 00008.clpi (484 Bytes)
          • 00009.clpi (488 Bytes)
          • 00010.clpi (636 Bytes)
          • 00011.clpi (944 Bytes)
          • 00012.clpi (292 Bytes)
          • 00013.clpi (292 Bytes)
          • 00014.clpi (292 Bytes)
          • 00015.clpi (292 Bytes)
          • 00016.clpi (444 Bytes)
        • META
          • DL
            • Meta_L.jpg (65.2 KiB)
            • Meta_S.jpg (45.2 KiB)
            • bdmt_jpn.xml (555 Bytes)
        • PLAYLIST
          • 00000.mpls (728 Bytes)
          • 00001.mpls (252 Bytes)
          • 00002.mpls (240 Bytes)
          • 00003.mpls (240 Bytes)
          • 00004.mpls (240 Bytes)
          • 00005.mpls (240 Bytes)
          • 00006.mpls (240 Bytes)
          • 00007.mpls (240 Bytes)
          • 00008.mpls (240 Bytes)
          • 00009.mpls (240 Bytes)
          • 00010.mpls (4.4 KiB)
        • STREAM
          • 00000.m2ts (27.0 GiB)
          • 00001.m2ts (10.1 GiB)
          • 00002.m2ts (36.2 MiB)
          • 00003.m2ts (537.3 MiB)
          • 00004.m2ts (235.2 MiB)
          • 00005.m2ts (286.1 MiB)
          • 00006.m2ts (437.6 MiB)
          • 00007.m2ts (471.8 MiB)
          • 00008.m2ts (78.5 MiB)
          • 00009.m2ts (78.6 MiB)
          • 00010.m2ts (156.8 MiB)
          • 00011.m2ts (352.6 MiB)
          • 00012.m2ts (2.2 MiB)
          • 00013.m2ts (1.7 MiB)
          • 00014.m2ts (6.0 KiB)
          • 00015.m2ts (6.0 KiB)
          • 00016.m2ts (15.5 MiB)
        • MovieObject.bdmv (1.1 KiB)
        • index.bdmv (216 Bytes)
        • BACKUP
          • id.bdmv (104 Bytes)
        • id.bdmv (104 Bytes)
    • CD
      • BK.png (36.1 MiB)
      • 未知艺术家 - 未知标题.cue (4.4 KiB)
      • 未知艺术家 - 未知标题.flac (278.0 MiB)
      • 未知艺术家 - 未知标题.log (7.6 KiB)
    • DVD
Does this include the soundtrack?
Seeding pliss, stuck at 0.5kB/s
help seed please.... stuck at 9.0%
is this file has the curse of worm the download speed has up and down to me anyone like that?.....
Seeder's connection got Zabaniya :3
Can someone who already downloaded encode this to have like 4.5 GB? Many Thanks!
This should be in the "Sub" section, since it includes English Subs.
Can someone please upload the OST torrent separately? This torrent has so many leechers, I can't even download the 277 MB flac file alone... 0.6 kb/s speeds...
@soigneerin Exact, it's impossible for me too...
Slow download since no one's actually seeding...
The origin uploader had some network issues, please be patient.
How can I watch BD in this format? Is there some program that does that?
What do you expect when there are 20 leechers for every seeder?
Please more seeds ;v; stuck at 35%
I'm seeding this with 1000/1000 internet as soon as it's done, but man there's not a lot of seeders rn...
>2k leechers seed ffs
Its embarrasing that no one is seeding. Great job everyone for killing a torrent!
Are we all stucked at 35.25%?
I'm stuck at 38.2% ^^^
Oh now it stopped by itself and canceled. .-.
@Zabivodka Well everyone has the same right to download it. So you can't blame any of them...
plz upload in google drive or else


76 Seeders but completed on nyaa: 0 What the hell? I see, so this seeders just downloaded a part of it.
Hoping that once night time comes around in NA that more users would have time to let their computers sit and seed.


It seems to be only one real seeder after all, so there will be no more seeders at night.
@AoD I know, but I'm hoping that there will be more seeders who have the other parts of the movie (not seeders who completely downloaded the whole thing) so they could allow us to eventually piece together the missing bits to form the whole thing. Right now, we're just lacking the various seeders that have all the missing bits between them.
I've briedly seen that 100% person once not so long ago. He exists. But well, things are not going smoothly. Still thanks for existing, i guess.
If someone knows a seeder, can you please contact him and tell him TO UPLOAD THE SOUNDTRACK *.FLAC FILE VIA A SEPARATE TORRENT OR TO MEGAUPLOAD?????????????? thanks
Which file is the soundtrack...?
@Zabivodka "CD/未知艺术家 - 未知标题.flac" P.S. I know your youtube channel
@soigneerin Ah well I'm glad that you do know. Sorry if you don't know, my account is shutting down because of copyright strikes. Not fair that other videos that can be 38 minutes long on youtube can still stay up but 3 minute clips are a big no-no. And thank you
Fuck you just reencode it it's not complicated, I live in fucking France, it's shit for internet connections I wanna download it :@
@Zabivodka Probably those 1080p 60fps clips are too high quality for copyright holders to ignore apparently xD Unfortunately, (or I guess fortunately for us torrenting) laws like this just don't apply equally
@retrorando there's a chinese encode here: http://bt.acg.gg/show-cdef0d66cbcf3dba3a1ab7cdf1922702fd1671ae.html click on the magnet icon link on the left side
Not even the soundtrack can finish..98.6%
@Zabivodka well technically you CAN listen to it at 98.6% but once you've finished downloading it, can you please upload it to mega or create a separate torrent, so we could all get it? Mine is at only 36%
@soigneerin well I'm listening to it and all the soundtracks cut off in the middle and continue on the next one. And don't worry, even though I said i was done uploading stuff, once I finish getting this film/soundtrack, I'll upload it and give people links through MEGA or Nyaa.si. It also stops at that percentage just like how the movie stops at 36%
>The origin uploader had some network issues, please be patient. "network issues" aka doesn't know what the hell they are doing.
Not to mention that it's been over 6 hours since that comment was posted and we still got no update on that...
@soigneerin Thanks a lot!
go download Chinatown lul
The Chinese encode seems to have been uploaded to nyaa: https://nyaa.si/view/1035157 (And yes, it's the Chinatown one that @retrorando pointed out) EDIT: We now have an 720p English encode here: https://nyaa.si/view/1035160 It's not ideal, but right now, it's more reliable than what we got here
I promise to seed when done :)
I love to see I'm not the only person obsessed with the Fate franchise lol ;D
Ohys-Raws where are you when we need a clean release :'(
Maybe we should waiting for VCB-S, Moozzi, or ReinForce's released.
@JollyProductions "I see you are a man of culture as well."
Literally almost none of you understand how torrents works. No one can seed until someone other than the original uploader finishes it. There is literally one seeder and that's the uploader. There's nothing than can be done until someone other than him finishes it and seeds. It's one seed trying to upload to hundreds of leachers at once who are all stuck at the same spot because everyone got bottlenecked. So stop screaming about "OMG COME ON SEED GUYS". The Nyaa seeder count is clearly wrong.
@Ryrin Well to be fair, seeders just means people that have downloaded a complete file(s) and not necessarily the complete torrent from what I understand, so the counter isn't wrong, just misleading.
Holy shit it's actually making some progress now.
It seems to be picking up the pace now.
Thank God...It finally continues!
DDL (Google Drive) For Steam 00000.m2ts https://drive.google.com/uc?id=1gl_l7yyLn9hTJDDgXalsCdD9JHyTGCHv&export=download
DDL (Uptobox) for 00000.m2ts https://uptobox.com/6pu4fkkz2s3a DDL (Uptobox) 00000.m2ts to 00016.m2ts https://uptobox.com/users/WiZeee/3204554/BDMV
@Wizee could you upload it on google drive? thanks
@shadowanon Would be very humble of you uploading 00001.m2ts, too. The first file isn't the complete movie, the 00001.m2ts is the missing part of it. Mildly infuriating, heh.
Seed guys please
Can anyone please tell me whether this release has Engsub or not :(
@alteria jpn and eng sub
@mgpelealu Ty so much
@LoliHunter The whole BDMV https://drive.google.com/open?id=1a1qBCKG0ZGyIhNiMlWGLP3l-hbtBjzWt
thanks finished it at 10am (hk time) , top notch quality . looking for seperate subs, seeding at 2mbps
This copy is screwed, it goes bad at around 1:25:43 mark, the video gets screwed and then it desyncs with the audio from then on.
Hey, stupid answer, I know, but how to watch a movie? I've got three folders: BD, CD and DVD. I've found movie in folder STREAM inside BD (where it's cutted on few parts), but it has no sound and I'm unabe to turn on any subtitles. Is there any menu etc? What should I do if I want to watch whole movie with english subtitles and working sound? It's my first torrent in whole life...
Don't play the STREAM file, but the PLAYLIST file (mostly are 00001.mpls). Or just play index.bdmv file to load all of the BD contents. The video should be played correctly with proper duration -- about 2 hour 35 second.
Thanks, kresbayyy ^^ I've already realized what am I doing wrong. In VLC Media Player I've used Ctrl+Shift+O combination and opened BD folder and now everything works well :) Which file contains english subtitles if I'll in future want to edit them and translate on other? (I'm form Poland and I would try to replace english subs with Polish :) )
thank you very much!!!!
Hey there, i just wanted to say.. Thank you very much, amazing quality.. Ufotable did a amazing job in the annimation, as always... The Dvd is just a Especial Dvd, i'm right ? i mean, it's not the movie in dvd.. ? anyway, thank you very much.
Hi Guys, i'm looking for those images, can i have the link please...? and anyone who has download all complete, can i know what is inside of DVD iso? is this special movie? or images?
which file has the "animation material"? I only want to see the making of rather than the movie. ufotable is god tier
shadowanon google drive is dead snifff upload againnn
The torrent has the 00001.m2ts file now so now it's the complete movie. But I didn't knew this was english translated, why did the uploader made it with Raw Anime tag? G.G